Anna and Annastacia Skurat

Anna Skurat is my great-grandmother on my mother’s side of the family. Lloyd Zidel, my grandfather, was born in Poland and it was always assumed that my grandmother’s family was also of Polish decent. But after digging up Anna Skurat’s documents on, it seems that she was Austian and not Polish. It looks like I may have to do more digging to find out if I’m half Polish or half Austrian!

The following photos came from an album my mother created. The older photos were probably passed down to her from my grandmother and her mother, Anna Skurat.

Click on the photos below to open up a larger version of them.

This photo was taken June 26, 1920 when my Grandmother, Katie Misch married my Grandfather, Lloyd Zidel. Seated in the front row, left to right are: Joseph Misch (Katie’s brother), Katie Misch (the bride), Lloyd Zidel (the groom) and Julia Riedman (Katie’s sister). Standing in the back row, left to right are: Anna Skurat (Katie’s Mother), Esther Kazlanchas, Jacob Misch (Katie’s brother), Alberta, Bill McSweeney and Caroline Nikodem (Lloyd’s sister).

For some reason, my Grandparent’s needed a copy of there marriage certificate in June 24, 1957, thirty seven years to the day after the were married.

Katie and Lloyd Zidel more than 50 years after the wedding photo above. This photo was taken at my Mother’s house in Tarrytown, NY.

Anna Skurat is in the center of the photo. I’m not sure who the other people are in the photo or what farm it is.

Pauline Coreda and Anna Skurat.

I’m assuming this is also Anna Skurat and here husband Joseph Misch on their farm.